St. Rose-McCarthy Catholic School

PROVISO: All lessons provided in non-Catholic textbooks are carefully screened to ensure they are appropriate for our students and do not in any way undermine Catholic teachings, morals, or values. Should a lesson be found lacking in the above conditions, it will not be presented to our students.


Historical research, influential figures throughout the ages, religion, art, music, geography, simple economics, and scientific advancements are included in all history courses. Collaborative project-based learning and research and integration with other curricular areas are important parts of the history program.

Fine Arts

Art, vocal and instrumental music, and drama experiences extend students’ opportunities and facility for creative expression. Songs, plays, and art relating to literature, history, and religion are explored in a number of different media. The choirs perform in school and travel throughout the community all year long. See our Music and Art in Action programs.

The primary goal of St. Rose-McCarthy School’s middle school is to prepare students for high school and beyond. Our objective is for students to leave St. Rose-McCarthy equipped to handle the rigor of honors and Advanced Placement courses and to be prepared to begin considering career choices. In the following course of study, our teachers also emphasize the historic contributions of Catholic Christian saints, philosophers, scientists, explorers, writers, and artists.


We use the Spirit of Truth curriculum from Sophia Institute Press. Students learn about the Catholic faith in all its richness and beauty. They learn about Jesus and his saints. It's impossible to measure the good a child receives from being exposed daily to the idea of a loving God who gives us commandments to live the best life possible with our fellow human beings..

English Language Arts

For English Language arts we use Collections, an outstanding curriculum from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Students are taught mastery of appropriate grammar and writing skills, which are critical to success in high school, college, and beyond. These skills are further enhanced through reading and responding — both orally and through writing — to different genres of literature and informational texts. 


Our math program, Big Ideas Learning, offers multiple pathways, allowing students to receive a strong foundation for the high school of their choice. The Regular Pathway prepares students for Algebra or Integrated 1 in ninth grade, while the Advanced Pathway is for accelerated learners who will progress on to Geometry or Integrated 2 in ninth grade. This program provides for the typical math student to take the time needed to master the math concepts, yet provides for advanced students to move at a quicker pace and complete Algebra 1 in 8th Grade.


Students focus on developing a clear understanding of the scientific process and formulating compelling and thoughtful hypotheses. Sixth graders learn earth science and seventh graders focus on life science, while the eighth grade’s concentration is physical science. Robotics and rocketry are a part of the curriculum throughout middle school. Students compete in the Tulare County Science Olympiad.​ Learn about our curriculum Inspire Science.

7th and 8th Grade Students on Field Trip to Washington, DC

Grades 6-8 


Technology is taught as an essential 21st century skill and is embedded in all middle school classes. In computer classes, students are taught to use technology as a tool to enhance all academic pursuits, especially in research and the production of polished reports and assignments. They also learn to be critical consumers of media, sifting through the over-abundance of material on the Internet to select valuable, useful information.

Physical Education and After-School Sports

St. Rose-McCarthy offers a rigorous athletics program, consisting of regular physical education classes, noncompetitive games, and competitive sports. Outstanding sportsmanship and developing a habit of lifelong fitness and good health are primary goals of all of these activities.​

Jr HIgh Catholic School Students Showing Off Project